Central Cee - 23
(Click to listen)
On Friday the 25th of February Central Cee released his 2nd Album "23".
This Album has 15 tracks & only 2 of those tracks have features on them.
In my opinion, I like this - 15 songs 2 features, I'm happy with that on any album, it won't feel like the album is never ending, and with a few features the album will still feel refreshing.
There's even a few tracks on here he changes his flow and melody, which i'm a massive fan of, I love when artist's change it up from their norm and go in differently.
You'll notice it with songs such as "Mrs"
"Obsessed With You" & "Eurovision".
Other than those tracks, most of it is drill.
Which is what he's known for & in my opinion, they're bloody good to train to as well.
I'll be adding a few songs to our Runners Club Playlist for sure.
"Obsessed With You" blew up on Tik Tok, so you've probably already heard it.
To be honest its probably in my Top 5 songs on this album.
Speaking of Top 5 songs on this Album.
Here's my Top 5.
5. No Pain - 1:34
4. Bunda - 1:51
3. Obessesed With You - 1:48
2. End of the Beginning - 3:14
1. Mrs - 2:28
Appreciate you guys.